NEW: Yoga, Eros & Massage – Isola d’ Ischia/NA, Italia

Topic: Tantra can also be called “sexual yoga”: As in yoga, tantra is also about energy, flexibility, holding, surrender, channeling, body awareness and letting go. The special exercises of TantraYoga are therefore the best preparation for the sexual act and for life as a whole, which can also be understood as perpetual re-creation from moment […]
In Sun, Wind and Waves – Isola d’ Ischia/NA, Italia

Topic: Holiday – a time in the year to stop the daily routine, to let go, to recharge with new strength and inspirations. A right time to turn calmly to new sights and new experiences. A proper time to get familiar with GAY-TANTRA or – as a tantric practitioner – to reconnect with Tantra and […]
NEW: Letting Go the Old, Welcoming the New, Touching Hearts – New Year’s Retreat Berlin

Topic: Turn of the Year – a time to breathe, let go and gather inspiration. A good time to open up to new horizons and perspectives. A good time to get to know Armin and All Men’s GAY-TANTRA or to consciously experience and enjoy New Year’s Eve with previous tantric experience. Course and contents: Body […]