Seminar- and Practicehouse ‘Alte Schmiede’
Ellerstraße 32
53119 Bonn (Germany)
(in the backyard)
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Important information about this Venue: Seminar- and Practice House ‘Alte Schmiede’, Bonn
The workshop takes place at the seminar and practice house “Alte Schmiede”, Ellerstr. 32 (inner yard), 53119 Bonn. The seminar house is conveniently located close to the Bonn main train station, only one S-train stop away (‘Bonn West’). Free car parking spaces are available in the inner yard.
To increase the depth of the workshop experience, the group spirit and the cohesion, we spend the night in our own sleeping bag for EUR 30 per night in the spacious rooms of the venue (with mattresses, shower and toilet). Your sleeping place is pre-reserved for you. Breakfast we will buy, prepare and have together at our venue. Lunch and dinner you can eat something small in our place, or we can also go out and have some food in restaurants close by.
If you do not want to take part in the group accommodation, please contact us.
The seminar is open to all men regardless of age, sexual orientation, beginner or advanced level, single or couple status. It is only important to have a serious interest in GAY-TANTRA and the willingness to engage with men in a protected setting in order to get involved in deep and sometimes maybe bodily demanding experiences. The training is no psychotherapy or replacements for therapy. During ongoing therapy or spiritual mentoring please discuss the intended participation with your therapist or mentor. It will be understood that you take part in the whole workshop.