Armin Heining


Desire, Ecstasy, Bliss – PlayShop

Lust - Ekstase - Glückseligkeit (EinführungsWorkshop)

This awaits you: How can you really feel like a dynamic and strong man and at the same time be receptive, responsive to touch and in contact:? Let GAY-TANTRA show you the way! You’ll experience strength and lightness when you communicate authentically with your sexuality and feel freer, more at ease and loving when interacting […]

Sexual Energy Massage – PlayShop

Sexuelle EnergieMassage

This awaits you: Immerse yourself in the world of relaxation, playfulness, tranquillity, energy and connectedness. GAY-TANTRA opens the door for you! Feel pride and self-confidence to open up new levels of consciousness with your sexuality for your life. By taking part in the Sexual Energy Massage Workshop you open up new perspectives for your love […]

Osho Dynamic Meditation™ – Energy Booster

Dynamic Meditation Berlin

Osho Dynamic Meditation™ is a process of transformation in 5  stages that takes you through charging, catharsis, grounding and meditation to joy and celebration. I, Armin, and my team will be waiting for you for a round of energy and zest for life on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. So, if you’re ready to ignite […]

Mahamudra: Awakening in the Silence – Introduction and Practice

Mahamudra – Eintauchen ins Schweigen

Topic: “Mahamudra” stands for the practice of silent meditation in the tantric tradition. “Mahamudra” means literally: “The Big Gesture” or “The Last Gesture” in the sense that this is the last gesture, which is possible – afterwards there is no more”. “Mahamudra” thus simply means to be completely in the present: Not before – not […]

GAY-TANTRA® Massages & Coaching with Armin

Armin Heining, GAY-TANTRA founder and pioneer (since 1992).

Armin Heining, GAY-TANTRA founder and pioneer (since 1992). Experience the art of touch, massage and sexual ecstasy! Armin is pleased to welcome you in his Remise, centrally and quietly located in 12161 Berlin-Friedenau (Address upon appointment confirmation) or at other locations after appointment. He is known as the GAY-TANTRA Founder & Pioneer (since 1992). At […]

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